Tag: Windows RT

Friday - February 14th, 2025

Observed Tech PODCAST Episode 161 #OTP

Welcome to Episode 161 of the Observed Tech PODCAST. Lots of news around the surprise Surface 3 announcement from Microsoft about the newest Surface device and of course Windows 10/Project Spartan news with the release of build 10049 last week. We also discuss Microsoft at 40, Windows OS market share, a limited initial Microsoft Band production run and Windows RT’s role in success of Windows. As always there are of course plenty of other news items that get discussed in this episode so come on in and take part in the discussion. Until next time enjoy the show and thanks for listening.

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Observed Tech PODCAST Episode 157 #OTP

Welcome to Episode 157 of the Observed Tech PODCAST. Although I am not labeling this one a special edition it is chock full of Windows 10 info, tips and tweaks for the current technical preview release.
Coming along for the ride is some other news items including Windows 10 on phones, Microsoft Band, Windows RT, Outlook app on iOS and Android and the status of WindowsObserver and the Observed Tech PODCAST. I also share with you my experience of running build 9926 of the Windows 10 Technical Preview as my main desktop OS this past week and how the transition has been with the loss of key features like the Charms Bar and full screen Modern Internet Explorer. Until next time enjoy the show and thanks for listening.

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Observed Tech PODCAST Episode 138 #OTP

Welcome to Episode 138. Getting back into a normal Wednesday recording routine today with this new episode to talk about some of the headlines in tech news. I start off by talking a little bit about two classes I am currently enrolled in for school – Multimedia Development which uses Adobe Flash as a core platform and Web Page Development. I am getting to refine quite a few skills I have vaguely learned over the years thru trial and error so they have been fun to participate in these courses. Well worth the effort to go back to school. I then discuss the adventure that has been WP 8.1 Developer Preview, reverting to WP 8, upgrading to WP 8.1 and Cyan and then the upcoming Windows Phone 8.1 Update. Yes, it is as confusing as it reads! On top of those updates there is the issue around use of a preview and the impact that can have on folks even though they agreed to jump off that cliff voluntarily. Some of the other areas I covered during this episode are Windows Phone usage numbers, Finding an unexpected memory on an Xbox, PC sales forecast to grow, People must trust tech to use it, OneNote goes cross platform to Amazon Fire and gets updated on iOS devices, Amazon shares drop upon debut of their Fire Phone, Amazon’s cloud growth scaring investors, Yammer now belongs to Office 365, More Microsoft Stores on the way, Windows Desktop and Windows RT, Laywoman review of Surface Pro 3, Cortana vs Siri is the new PC vs Mac, Microsoft raided in China, Kids App Store, Nokia X phones not quite dead yet, Family Plan Wars, Selfie phone from Microsoft, Soft-resetting a Windows Phone, Microsoft starting to build Windows Phone technically speaking, Uber and FitBit official apps land on Windows Phone, Facebook diverging their app capabilities like Foursquare did, Cortana knows Foursquare locations, The morality of in app purchases, Universal Apps, USAA using IBM’s Watson as a military veterans advisor, Atari Landfill documentary trailer, EA Access, HBO web based subscriptions, Twitter grows big time in last quarter, Ballmer purchase of Clippers close to completion, Mars rover sets distance record among extraterrestrial machines, Cloud storage nightmare with Box for one customer and Best Buy CEO interview highlights. Until next time enjoy the show and thanks for listening.

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