Welcome to Episode 8 of the Faith, Tech, and Space PODCAST.

Last episode we recorded in our reconfigured podcast studio and this time we are live streaming this episode’s recording session via YouTube. Now you can see my face, hands, and eyes as I share faith, tech, and space.

As is our standard with the new show, I cover updates on my own faith formation, current tech headlines, and some space news in this episode. Much of what we discuss is impacted by the current lock downs and stay at home orders due to the COVID-19 coronavirus. Working From Home and Remote Working is the new norm and many of these changes are likely to become more permanent when we return to whatever normal is in the coming months.

Included in this episode we catch up on the latest for Windows and Edge Insiders, talk about the transition of Office 365 to Microsoft 365 for personal and family use, and how companies are adapting to the current situation. There is also a couple of items relating to security with Zoom and some things the scammers are doing to try and stela your stuff during this pandemic.

Along with a few gaming related headlines, we talk about Microsoft’s decision to go virtual with all their in-person events until at least July 2021 and what impact COVID-19 is and is not having on launches and other space news including the first potential launch of astronauts from U.S. soil in May.

So thanks for tuning in and giving a listen to Faith, Tech, and Space as we continue this unique journey.


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Date Published: 14 April 2020

Format: MP3, 128KBPS

Show Links: Faith, Tech, and Space (Episode 8)



  1. Windows 10 Hands On: Quick Assist Remote Support App | WindowsObserver.com - […] If someone is local to my area, I can easily stop by and pay them a visit. However, in…
  2. Show Links: Faith, Tech, and Space (Episode 8) | WindowsObserver Wiki - […] Faith Tech, and Space – (Episode 8) […]