Welcome to Episode 7 of the Faith, Tech, and Space PODCAST.

I am broadcasting from my newly remodeled home recording studio today and of course, under our self imposed lock down due to the COVID-19 coronavirus situation.

This episode will follow our typical format and work its way through the subject areas to discuss faith as it not only relates to my formation but also to how the church is addressing the global COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. On the tech front, we will catch up with all the latest builds and other news when it comes to both the Windows and Edge Insiders programs. Under miscellaneous tech we talk about some more Xbox Series X news, BUILD going virtual and some work of mine from ITProToday about remote work and certifications.

For this episode, and possibly for future ones, I added a COVID-19 coronavirus section to discuss this global situation – not from a medical perspective – but from a human being experience. Of course, how tech is impacting this will be part of the discussion as well.

Finally, wrapping up with the latest in space related news with headlines from SpaceX, NASA, ULA, OneWeb and our orbiting astronauts on ISS. I will also share my spoiler free take on the first season of Star Trek: Picard.

So thanks for tuning in and giving a listen to Faith, Tech, and Space as we continue this unique journey.


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Date Published: 29 March 2020

Format: MP3, 128KBPS

Show Links: Faith, Tech, and Space (Episode 7)



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