As I mentioned in this week’s episode of Observed Tech, due to the second suspension of my primary Twitter account (@WinObs) and the casualty of my long time secondary/backup account (@OneObs) also getting caught up in this suspension process, I am going to change how I share links to various bits of tech news throughout the day.

While I don’t believe the various links I share are anywhere near spammy in nature, apparently the combination of using Buffer to queue them up as scheduled/automatic tweets and possibly the volume of shared links is triggering the Twitter algorithms. 

So to prevent that from being an issue in the future I am shifting the link sharing process over to a tried and true platform that loves the sharing of links – Tumblr

WinObs WiKi Links Tumblr Header
WinObs WiKi Links Tumblr Header

I had not used my Tumblr site for almost six years, so I had a little housekeeping to take care of it. In the process I removed about 1400 old links that had been shared to that account back in those days.

You can access my refreshed Tumblr feed at You can either follow what I share directly from your own Tumblr account or you can use the RSS feed by adding it into your own RSS reader. There are also tools in Tumblr that allows you to share my posted links to other networks like Facebook, Reddit, Email and yes even Twitter.

So the main change in my curation process for these links is that I setup a new IFTTT applet that takes any article I mark as Saved for Later on Feedly, I do this via a great Windows 10 RSS reader app called NextGen Reader, and it then sends it to my Tumblr queue as a photo post that includes a link to the article, a brief summary and the article’s hero image.

WinObs WiKi Links Tumblr Page Post Example
WinObs WiKi Links Example Posting

I continue to share those same links to my feed using another IFTTT applet so that WordPress can use it to build a daily posting on the WindowsObserver WiKi to collect them in one place.

When Twitter restores my suspended accounts, I plan to have that daily article tweeted out automatically using tools included in WordPress that help publicize content from WordPress based sites. It will be a handy one stop shop posting with all the links I shared on that day.

In the interim, I hope you will bookmark the WinObs WiKi Links blog on Tumblr and continue to keep an eye on tech through these shared links. 

By the way, I might be posting my normal daily musings on the Tumblr site until I am back on Twitter as well.

Thanks for all your support and patience with everything that is going on with my Twitter accounts at the moment.