Note: Yes, I know the October 1018 Update has been pulled due to issues with users losing files after the feature update upgrade. This is about one of the features in the the upcoming system update that either many of you already have or will be using once the feature update is once again available for install.

The Cloud Powered Clipboard was first demoed at Microsoft Build 2017 and was intended to initially be available as part of the Fall Creators Update. However, it did not make that feature update or the April 2018 Update earlier this year. Instead is part of the October 2018 Update for Windows 10.

It will be installed by default on your upgraded system but still requires activation in order to be used.

As with many things in Windows, there are two ways to activate this feature.

First, you can use the keyboard shortcut for Cloud Clipboard, WINDOWS KEY + V, and open the Cloud Clipboard dialog and then click “Turn On” to activate the app.

Second, you can go into Windows Settings > System > Clipboard and under Clipboard history toggle it On.

Next, if you want text items you copy to the clipboard on one system to sync across devices, then toggle the Sync across devices option to On. After that you will get two additional options for this setting in the dialog.

This option exists because many users copy passwords into their clipboards as they work on their devices and would prefer to not have that data synced via the cloud. My suggestion is that you select Never automatically sync text that I copy as your default and then manually select text items from the WINDOWS KEY + V dialog by clicking the cloud sync icon. That will then selectively sync those items to your other systems using the Cloud Clipboard.

The images below will show you all those dialogs for reference.

Cloud Clipboard Screenshot Gallery

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