Tabs have been a normal feature of all the popular web browsers for quite a while now.
Across most versions of Windows a regular request for a new feature in File Explorer is to have tabs like a web browser to facilitate file management and other system activities.
Yes, it is very easy to snap windows side by side for this purpose and doing that or copying files from window to window on a large/dual monitor setup is very functional. However, if you are on a smaller screen like a tablet or laptop then screen real estate gets squeezed very quickly.
Imagine being able to use one single window and multiple tabs in File Explorer to work with all of your files instead?
Well it is Stardock that appears to be delivering functionality and beating Microsoft to adding that capability to the Windows File Explorer. You might be familiar with Stardock as they were one of the early companies to provide an alternative to Microsoft’s Start Screen in Windows 10 called Start10.
Groupy, which is currently available as a beta for users of the companies Object Desktop software package, will not only add tabs to File Explorer but it will add them to add them to most any piece of software you can run on Windows.
Key features of Groupy include:
- Drag and drop applications together to group them under a common tabbed interface
- Organize multiple applications and documents together for convenient access
- Group related tabs together for optimal workflow
- Manage tabs in quick and natural ways with the browser-like interface
- Add new tabs to existing groups quickly and easily
- Mouseover tabs to preview the window contents
- Copy files between Explorer tabs by hovering over the target tab
Groupy will retail for $9.99 as a stand alone product once the beta concludes and it will be included as part of Object Desktop. That package of software costs $29.99 and includes several other pieces of software such as Multiplicity, SpaceMonger, Start10, Fences, Deskscapes, and WindowsBlinds.
There is no word on when the beta of Groupy will end but we will let you know once we hear anything.
Here is a gallery of screenshots, courtesy of Stardock, that show you Groupy in action.