When I first launched this website back in August of 1995 on GeoCities, /SiliconValley/Heights/1094/ was my web address, I am not sure I even imagined that simple site would still be around almost 22 years later.

However, it is still around and has gone through several shifts over that timeframe to keep up with the newer technologies that have become available.

The site has now been on WordPress since February 2006 and now has almost 5,300 articles online.

I know over the last two years, since I started producing content for Penton over on the SuperSite: Windows and ITPro: Windows, this site has not seen much content except for the Observed Tech Podcast and a rare product review or two. The archive of posts that can be discovered during searches and which provide a ton of evergreen content are the backbone of the site these days.

Recently I decided it was time to shift WindowsObserver.com and WinObs.com over to secure web browsing protocols with an SSL certificate for each site. Everyone knows this is now a factor in Google rankings so that was another good reason to make the move.

I actually flipped that switch on WindowsObserver.com just a little more than a week ago and then two days ago did the same with WinObs.com – the process was made very easy thanks to my web hosting provider BlueHost.

I have some work to do around making sure all the mixed links get fixed in each blog post but the Really Simple SSL and Really Simple SSL Pro ($25 for a single site and $59 for 5) plugins for WordPress deal with a lot of the heavy lifting.

If you happen to notice anything that does not seem quite right let me know so I can take a look.

Thanks for almost 22 great years – looking forward to the next 22 but now just a little bit more secure!