Just another step towards the countdown to April 2014 and then official end of support date for Windows XP.

Microsoft just posted this gadget on their Download Center website.


The gadget runs on Windows 7 and Windows Vista, both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions, but for those still hanging on to Windows XP no countdown gadget for you all.

Looking to get off Windows XP? Use this handy gadget to count down the number of days until Windows XP End of Support (EOS) in 2014.

Download the Windows XP End Of Support Countdown Gadget.

Update: Seems this gadget was originally published back in April of 2011 a full three years before Windows XP’s EOS date. Still, as we are only a handful of months away from that deadline, its coming back into the public eye to help point out that Windows XP’s days our numbered is not a bad thing.