Another big name service has seen user information accessed illegally or at least that is what it looks like according to the Buffer Twitter account (@buffer)

Currently there is not much more available except for that tweet from Buffer and a long line of individual replies that indicate they are investigating.

Most certainly more to keep an eye on here and I would suspect a password reset is in order once they feel like the site is secure.

Update 3:25 PM EST: According to a new tweet from Buffer it appears they are focusing on Facebook related access through Buffer:

Update 5:08 PM EST: According to Buffer’s Founder and CEO, Joel Cascoigne, there is no need to revoke access to your Facebook and Twitter accounts on Buffer as they have paused sharing while they sort things out. He also indicated they have disabled the “Sign in with Twitter” option at the Buffer website.

Final update: Buffer has a post they are updating on a regular basis so I am going to post that here instead of translating the updates to this post.