To say that Apple took a few pot shots at Microsoft during their product announcement keynote yesterday would be an understatement.
Although I do not use their products, I do watch the announcements because I am a technology guy. Never before have I heard so many pokes at Microsoft by Apple as I did yesterday.
Of course you know that it was not going to take long for Microsoft’s Corporate VP of Communications, Frank Shaw, to respond about what happened yesterday.
You can read his entire commentary at the Official Microsoft blog in the post titled Apples and oranges.
Here is the gist of the message he shared:
Surface and Surface 2 both include Office, the world’s most popular, most powerful productivity software for free and are priced below both the iPad 2 and iPad Air respectively. Making Apple’s decision to build the price of their less popular and less powerful iWork into their tablets not a very big (or very good) deal. Since we launched the Surface line of tablets last year, one of the themes we’ve consistently used to talk about them is that they are a terrific blend of productivity and entertainment in one lightweight, affordable package. In fact, we’re confident that they offer the best combination of those capabilities available on the market today.
You must go read the remainder of his post because it is well thought out and right on the mark.