Over the course of this past weekend several of the big tech blogs announced that they would be hosting live blogs of Microsoft’s Surface 2 announcement which happens in New York City at 10:30 AM Eastern Time (find the start time in your own time zone).

Microsoft has decided that they will not live stream the event so the only sources of information during the announcement of the next generation Surface devices from Microsoft will be live blogs and social media.

So our weekend catchup for today is a summary of all the tech sites that are hosting live blogs and some of the individual tech folks that will be present who are typically active on Twitter during these type of events.

Announced Live Blogs

Social Media Accounts to follow during the Surface 2 Event

You can follow all of the above accounts using this Surface 2 Announcement Twitter list I created at https://twitter.com/WinObs/lists/surface-2-announcement

Of course expect the social media ReTweet machine on Twitter to be in full force throughout the event as well.

If you have any other live blogs or Twitter accounts to follow during the event please add them in the comments.