I think I said it on last weeks Observed Tech PODCAST referencing a tweet made by Brad Sams (@bdsams) from NeoWin – SkyDrive is one of the least appreciated efforts from Microsoft.

It just continues to improve at a steady pace and simply works very well.

Today the service announced more new updates to its SkyDrive.com interface to its cloud service and they related to photos and sharing files.


  • Higher resolution versions of photos are displayed automatically if you have a high DPI screen such as Clear Type Full HD and Retina. The thumbnail resolution is also increased when displayed on these types of screens.
  • Animated GIF files can now be displayed on SkyDrive
  • Images can now be rotated on SkyDrive.com so they display in the correct orientation.
  • The All Photos view can be used on individuals folders of pictures on SkyDrive.com.


  • The ability to share individual files from anywhere on your SkyDrive is now active where previously you had to share either an entire folder and its contents or individual files in a folder.
  • Shared view has been updated on SkyDrive.com to show every item you have shared and what has been shared with you. from here you can un-share items easily without having to dig back down into the original folders the shared items were in.
  • The ability to give someone permissions to edit a file without signing in has been upgraded to allow editing when you share a link to someone via email.

The SkyDrive team has not forgotten developers in this collection of updates and now the ability exists to edit different types of text files such as JavaScript, CSS, HTML and other code based files.  There is syntax highlighting, find and word completion suggestions as well. Just like any other file on SkyDrive you can share these and also give permissions for those individuals to edit the files as well.

The Cloud Service that can just keeps on getting better.

Source: Microsoft SkyDrive Blog