
It has been 2 1/2 months since I have posted any updates about the Windows Dynamic Themes that are produced by Microsoft so I want to catch you up to where we stand today for each theme and their total image counts.

The Bing Desktop Dynamic Theme has been retired. If you want to check out new images on your desktop you will need to download the Bing Desktop program for your system.

Just this past week I also had another image, my sixth one, added to the Insects  dynamic theme.

You can see the butterfly easily but can you see the other insect nearby?

Monarch Butterfly and Honey Bee on a Bottle Brush plant

Some of you might be wondering how you can get one of your shots included in the themes and the answer is very straight forward – just submit your image under Microsoft’s open call program for images. That page explains the details on how to submit it.

I have also corresponded back and forth with the lead curator for these themes and I will be paying them a visit while I am in Redmond next month for MVP Summit 2013 to get a peek into the process.

Of course you will hear about that right here afterwards.