
It seems that ever since Windows Phone 8 came out there have been all kind of app love for the new version of the OS and especially new Nokia exclusive apps.

Well that love is about to head towards those of you who have the Nokia Lumia devices running Windows Phone 7.5.

Over at the Nokia Conversations blog they have just announced that the PhotoBeamer App has been made available to everyone on their Lumia handsets that are running Windows Phone 7.5 .

The PhotoBeamer is now available for download for Nokia Lumia 510, Lumia 610, Lumia 710, Lumia 800 and Lumia 900 in the Windows Phone Store.

PhotoBeamer allows you to show your pictures as easy and fast as possible to anyone on a larger screen.

Check this app out because it is the slickest thing for sharing photos with friends standing around an internet connected monitor.

This even works with the Internet Explorer App on Xbox 360. Yes, that might be a bit redundant with the new SkyDrive App that is out for the console but still – pretty cool!

Source: Nokia Conversations – The Magic Picture Show continues