Gavin Gear.
Does that name ring a bell for anyone?
Nope, me neither until I read his recent blog post at the Extreme Windows Blog today.
In all reality his name should not ring a bell for most of us because he was one of the engineers who helped build Windows 8. Except for the folks who led that team, and maybe one who is no longer on that team, we do not know most of the names behind the latest version of Microsoft’s consumer OS.
Well Gavin is blogging at the Extreme Windows Blog to share some background and insight into the development of Windows 8 and in this blog post he talks about his eight favorite features of Windows 8.
Hmmm, I wonder if that eight thing is a coincidence?
Anyway, in his post he discusses these eight favorite features and the are:
- Performance Enhancements
- Navigation and Appearance
- Windows 8 Task Manager
- DirectX 11 Gaming
- Native USB 3.0 Support
- UAS 3.0 and Storage Spaces
- Enhanced Sensor Capabilities
- Enhanced Boot Security and Performance
In each area he talks about the background and thinking related to the feature .
It is some very interesting reading to say the least.
Source: Extreme Windows Blog – Eight Enthusiast Updates in Windows 8