- Microsoft confirms Windows Phone 8 launch on October 29 in San Francisco
- Invitations to Windows 8 launch: 21 days and counting
- Linksys ships its first 802.11ac router and media bridge
- Official: Microsoft to reveal Windows Phone 8 on October 29th
- Windows Phone 8 officially launches in SF on October 29
- Microsoft, Barnes & Noble seal deal with formation of ‘Nook Media LLC’
- Geek Trivia: The First Commercial Filmed In Space Pitched What Product?
- Facebook: We’re Not Liking Brand Pages For You
- Microsoft Teams up with DrivenForward.com Blogger, Glen Hellman to Find the Next Big Young Entrepreneur
- Get advance notice about October security updates
- Sprint Mulling Spoiler Bid for MetroPCS
- Daily Update, Oct. 4th – The Nokia Lumia 920 & 820 Headed to AT&T
- Facebook-connected vest hugs you when you get a ‘Like’
- Ticketmaster challenger? Redbox to offer event tickets
- Microsoft Surface tablet pops up on product pages
- Seattle vs. Silicon Valley: The debate continues (but this time with outsiders weighing in)
- What Does Refresh Actually Do?
- Disk Error Checking in Windows 8
- HTC 8X Windows Phone heading to O2 Germany later this month