
Here are the latest updates for four of the Microsoft dynamic RSS fed Windows 7 themes and it is a large update of backgrounds. Two of these themes are community submitted images from submitted for Microsoft’s open call for images which is still ongoing.  You are allowed up to 10 submissions so what are you waiting for photographers?

Bing Maps Aerial Images of Europe

Roccavivara Italy Turquoise Paradise Near La Pelosa, Sardinia, IT
Sardinian Landscape Near Codrongianos, Sardinia, IT  Casaburi , Italy
 Golfo di Sapri Corso, Italy  Palma, Portugal
 islands near Sardinia, Italy  Homes off of Autov�a Alicante Petrel, Spain
 El Hondo N of Dolores, Spain La Puebla, Spain

Insects Dynamic Theme

Dragonfly Ant on a balancing journey
Pollination Scarab

Flora (Flowers)

Pink Flower, Naples Zoo at Caribbean Gardens, Naples, Florida, U.S.

Bing Maps Aerial Images of US