
I just want to take this opportunity to formally welcome aboard Ian Steinberg who today officially assumes the role as Editor in Chief and Contributor to  He is no stranger here as he spent last summer contributing over 40 articles on the site.  What has changed is the role he will play in the day to day development of content for us.

I have been running over the last 16 years as a one person show and part time since I was still on active duty.  With my recent retirement from the Navy I can now focus more on the website and its content but it was also time to move forward from the solo role here and Ian is a great guy to have onboard.  He is passionate about technology and as you can see in his bio and intro below he has a good background in tech.

I have had a love for technology since my early teen years programming in ‘BASIC’ on a Apple IIe at the local library while enjoying "Oregon Trail’ in between those self important coding sessions. I distinctly remember the first time I was introduced to a Macintosh computer during a summer tech camp that turned out to be hosted by the same university I went to years later. The concept of the mouse and graphics was amazing from what I had ever experienced prior.

This was not too long after I discovered the amazing "house" Microsoft built with my first 386 processor PC we had at my home when I learned how to discover the world in ‘Microsoft Flight Simulator’. My early tech years was further explored during my high school years when I was chosen too help network my high school for the internet via a grant from the local university that I attended later in life. That gave me my first experience on the internet via connecting to NASA and downloading a picture of space! I was in heaven and could not believe I had just downloaded Space, the final frontier!

Since then I have watched how the internet has broken down barriers around the world and truly made the world a smaller place. Through social media like Twitter, Facebook and the like the world experience has become much like my earlier Microsoft Flight Simulator days when I learned how to land at a unique airport in Japan as an example. Only this time the power of social media with technology brings a simulator to an empowering real life experience.

I  held the title of "Network Security Program Officer" for eight years while serving as a contractor with the United States Department of State (USDOS) in Washington, DC.  During that time I traveled as a U.S. Diplomat with USDOS as a representative to over 31 unique countries to help administer the department’s unclassified and classified networks. During that time I helped develop and implement an Oracle based database for USDOS’s Local Guard and Surveillance Detection Programs.

Since that time I have been very active in the tech community by first becoming an Xbox Ambassador just over five years ago and a Xbox Xpert three years ago. I have written for several tech blogs in the past years including and

I am delighted to have become the Editor-in-Chief of such a well established site as 

Welcome aboard Ian – now get to work!