According to a press release from StatCounter FireFox has nudged out Microsoft’s Internet Explorer in Europe as the most used web browser in the month of December 2010 by just .59%
According to StatCounter CEO Aodhan Cullen this has never happened before:
"This is the first time that IE has been dethroned from the number one spot in a major territory," commented Aodhan Cullen, CEO, StatCounter. "This appears to be happening because Google’s Chrome is stealing share from Internet Explorer while Firefox is mainly maintaining its existing share."
If you look at the trend in Europe over the past year this gap has been closing steadily over the past 12 months.
Another stat from the past year in Europe shows that IE6 usage has shrunk from 6.23% in Dec 2009 to 2.41% in Dec 2010 – that is a trend I am glad to see because it means people are moving to more modern browsers and leaving behind the insecure ones.
That is better for us all.
Update at 6:35 AM EST – I am going to have to take a look later and see if this correlates with the introduction of the Browser Ballot in Europe. What do you think?