Here is a another tool from Microsoft to help make teens aware of how to handle their space in the Internet and to keep it as their own and stay safe. This book has 16 chapters of information ranging from handling spam to online bullies. This book also does a great job of talking to teens instead of at them. I think this could be a very handy tool for anyone to share with their family to help them be safer online in this day and age.
Just read the dedication of the book to understand that this is a passion for them to share this info with teens:
This book is dedicated to every teen who takes the time to learn about security and how to stay safe and be smart online. We also want to thank all of the teens joining this project and the teens who originally inspired this book. Eric and Douglas.
The target audience for this book is young adults/teens and the graphics, such as the above cover, are very engaging.
So who should read this book?
This book is designed for any teen who is:
• In fear of drive-by downloads of nasty adware, spyware, and viruses
• Anxious about scareware and ransomware
• Trying to stay safe on social networking sites
• Concerned about online predators and identity thieves
• Scattering secrets to the wind in favorite hot spots
• Shopping online without protection
• Unsure of the risks about webcams and sexting
• Dealing with cyberbullies at home or in school
• Blogging alone and in the dark
Download the "Own Your Space–Keep Yourself and Your Stuff Safe Online" Digital Book for Teens