One of the features of the Wave 4 version of Windows Live Hotmail is the Single-use Code feature.
This is a code you can use in place of your password when your at a public place like an Internet Cafe or public library. Just one more step in helping to protect yourself from nasties that might be on those public machines.
Here is how you go about getting and using a single use code:
At the sign in page for your Windows Live Hotmail account you will notice a new entry below your email address and password Sign in with a Single-use code.
Click that link and you will then get the following dialog:
Click on the Request a code and that in turn will lead to this page:
You will need to set up your Windows Live ID account with your cell phone number for this to work. That is because you are sent the Single-use code via a text message. Make sure you do that now before you are out and about needing that Single-use code because you will not be able to get it any other way except via your cell phone.
Once you have the Single-use code just start with the sign in screen and this time you can enter your Windows Live ID and the Single-use code you received via text and then sign in safely and securely.