Who knew video games could be so profitable? An Alabama man is $1 million richer because of his skillful pitching–in MLB 2K10.
Two months ago, Wade McGilberry, 24, of Semmes, Ala., entered a contest to be the first person to pitch a perfect baseball game in the video game.
Interesting prior to this contest he said he wasn’t interested in sports games, but spent his time playing first person shooters. That all changed when he heard about a contest by video game company 2K Sports.
When he decided to take this contest seriously he got his wife’s permission and even missed time from work to dedicate to practice.
After his fifty try to pitch a perfect game he reached the seventh inning and for the first time thought he might be able to pull this off. On his sixth try he pitched a perfect game and was never able to pull it off again.
McGilberry’s reward came as a total surprise. Game company 2K Games called McGilberry under the subterfuge that he was a “finalist” in the contest. “They actually called me on Sunday afternoon and told me they were going to come and they had to check out my Xbox because I was one of the finalists and they had to make sure that I didn’t have the Xbox rigged,” he explained.
Instead, they showed up with an oversized check for $1 million.
What an incredible story that with a little luck and hard work anything is possible.