

If there is one thing I have learned interacting with people across the Internet – there are some savvy folks out there. Smart people. People who know their way around an operating system like Windows 7 as well as they do their own house.

Well Microsoft TechNet wants you to share that knowledge with everyone else.

Think you know Windows 7 through and through? TechNet Magazine wants to hear from the IT pros who live and breathe the desktop, the ones who know how to get the most out of Windows 7. We’re looking for the best workarounds, patches, bridges, tweaks, added functionality, easy fixes, and simple installs.

So if you have some jewels in your collection of Windows 7 Tips and Tricks head over to the TechNet Magazine Tips website and give it your best shot.

By the way – the fine print at the bottom of the page says this:

Not all tips or profiles submitted will be published. Microsoft reserves the right to final selection and editing at its discretion.

Still – I am sure if it is unique and effective it stands a very good chance of getting in.

Good Luck!