
IDC Research has released the stats for Smartphone 2nd quarter sales. All the hype & commercials on television could lead one to believe that a certain phone from Apple garnered the number one spot. However Research In Motions (RIM) Blackberry Curve will be the defender of that title. It seems that a WWF style Royal Rumble is happening with mobile operating systems, manufacturers & carriers. RIM has 4 devices in the top ten list while our beloved WinMo is tied for the second with the iPhone OS. These are followed by Palm & Android.

The top ten list broken down by Smartphone platform:

  1. BlackBerry- 4
  2. Windows Mobile- 2
  3. iPhone- 2
  4. WebOS (Pre)- 1
  5. Android- 1

Top 10 Smartphones 2009 2Q

  1. BlackBerry Curve (83xx series and 8900)
  2. Apple iPhone 3GS (both 16GB and 32GB versions)
  3. BlackBerry Pearl (81xx series not including the Pearl Flip)
  4. Apple iPhone 3G (8GB and 16GB versions)
  5. BlackBerry Bold
  6. BlackBerry Storm
  7. T-Mobile G1
  8. Palm Pre
  9. HTC Touch Pro
  10. HTC Touch Diamond

Will the release of WinMo 6.5 help the mobile OS retain it’s position. Can WinMo 7 do anything to advance the OS in the minds of consumers? Is the impending addition of Zune integration going to make a difference for Smartphone buyers? We will have to stay tuned…

Source: [intomobile]