Google News Alert for: windows vista

Windows 7 Release Candidate debuts early
CNET News – San Francisco,CA,USA
The company will only officially confirm it plans to release Windows 7 before Windows Vista hits its third anniversary of broad availability in January.
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Linux use reaches 1%; world yawns
Computerworld – Framingham,MA,USA
As I wrote about in Living free with Linux: 2 weeks without Windows, I’ve become a fan of Linux. It can use less-powerful hardware than Windows,
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Is Gartner Set To Take A Vista View?
ChannelWeb – Manhasset,NY,USA
Stay with XP or go to 7, but don’t go to Vista It just doesn’t make any sense." "I am a major league fan of Windows 7," Cappuccio said.
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Microsoft: We’re not ditching Vista until at least 2011
Computerworld – Framingham,MA,USA
The company, however, will drop support for the three consumer editions of Windows Vista in less than three years. Earlier today, a Microsoft general
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Microsoft To Answer EU Antitrust Charges In June
InformationWeek – Manhasset,NY,USA
Previously, the EC had ordered Microsoft to ship a version of Windows Vista that did not include Windows Media Player. InformationWeek has published an
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Microsoft may soon drop Vista
United Press International – USA
(NASDAQ:MSFT) may stop selling its Windows Vista operating system as soon as an upgraded version is available, a company manager said.
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Microsoft To Answer EU Antitrust Charges In June
InformationWeek – Manhasset,NY,USA
available under "reasonable terms." Previously, the EC ordered Microsoft to ship a version of Windows Vista that did not include Windows Media Player.
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Is Microsoft Headed For A Netbook Train Wreck? – Manhasset,NY,USA
More to the point, keeping XP around was Microsoft’s only option since Windows Vista won’t run on netbooks at all. Using Windows XP, however, was a stop-gap
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Defrag Windows from the Command Prompt
CNET News – San Francisco,CA,USA
If you prefer to use Windows‘ defragger, you can open it by pressing the Windows key (or Ctrl-Esc), pressing R (in XP), typing defrag in Vista or dfrg.msc
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addtorun Adds Aliases to the Windows Run Box
Lifehacker – San Diego,CA,USA
Once you’ve done this, you can use the alias in the Windows run box to launch the application, or if you are using Windows Vista it will also show up at the
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Google Blogs Alert for: windows vista

Microsoft to Dump Vista When Windows 7 Hits the Shelves? | John
By John Paczkowski
Now that the marketplace has abandoned Vista, is Microsoft making preparations to abandon it as well? Earlier today, a Microsoft executive suggested that might be the case, hinting that the company could be planning to ditch Vista soon
Digital Daily –

Windows 7 Release Candidate build 7100 Download Free
By Soumya Sinha
Installation: You can install the Windows 7 RC on a PC running Windows Vista without backing up the PC—but we encourage you to make a backup for safe keeping. If you’re running Windows XP or the Windows 7 Beta, you’ll need to backup
Simple Thoughts – Java and Web Blog –

VMware: Workstation Zealot: Windows 7 RC on VMware Workstation 6.5.2
Once you point the New Virtual Machine Wizard at the Windows 7 ISO you just downloaded, VMware Workstation will automatically recognize it as Windows Vista. This is okay, since Easy Install for Vista works seamlessly with Windows 7.
Planet VMware –

Joyous News ? Vista Available Until At Least 2011, Support Ends In
By the oracle
In a follow-up reply to questions today, a Microsoft spokeswoman declined to confirm that the company would, in fact, dump Vista when Windows 7 appears. “We have not made any final end-of-sales decisions for Windows Vista,” she said in
Lockergnome Blog Network –

Xdn Tweaker Updates to Tweak Windows 7 [Downloads] – REALHS
Windows: Xdn Tweaker, which we’ve previously enjoyed for its fine-tuning capabilities on Windows XP and Vista, has upgraded to support the same sort of fixes and features on Windows 7 , plus a few unique offerings.
Tech News – REALHS –