Google News Alert for: "windows 7"

Tuning Adapters coming to Windows 7 Media Center?
Engadget HD – Santa Monica,CA,USA
DRM — will enable support for the Tuning Adapter (all though he actually called them by their old name, "Tuning Resolver") in Windows 7 Media Center.
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Microsoft’s ‘Lauren’ ad follow-up disses Mac power
CNET News – San Francisco,CA,USA
I’m running Windows 7 (which is quite a nice OS) on my Mac right now, but it’s certainly easier to just pop open my computer and fire up games than it is to
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The Linux laptops of 2009
They were underpowered, but Microsoft found a way to get Windows XP on them, at $3 per copy, then Windows 7, at an unknown price, so they are less of an
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Google Blogs Alert for: "windows 7"

Dell touts Windows 7 Beta experience
By Chakkaradeep Chandran
According to a blog entry in Dell’s website, Dell has tested hundreds of Dell systems with Windows 7 Beta and has found the results to be promising. Dell notes that the following results were observed when testing Windows 7 Beta on Dell / Forum – ≫ Blog Archive ≫ Access Windows 7 Feature Walkthroughs
By admin
Windows 7 brings to the table a variety of new and evolved features, and Microsoft has taken the necessary measures designed to bring them to center stage. The Windows 7 Feature Walkthroughs is a collection of video screencasts set up –