Google News Alert for: windows vista


Windows 7 Beta Beats Vista in Brutal SSD Showdown
ITProPortal – London,UK
Hardware website Tweaktown has tested how well Windows 7 Beta and Windows Vista behaved when being used with solid state drives, in single drive and RAID 0
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Windows Vista in a Nutshell: Networking
Computerworld – Framingham,MA,USA
The following article is excerpted from Windows Vista In A Nutshell with permission of O’Reilly Media Inc. Windows Vista includes many tools,
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Why You Should Go 64-Bit With Windows 7
Gizmodo – USA
Microsoft itself is pimping 64-bit over 32-bit now and notebook makers have already started pushing 64-bit Windows Vista over 32-bit.
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Microsoft releases Vista virtualization
Register – London,England,UK
Microsoft has released a public beta of desktop virtualization software to run legacy Windows applications on Windows Vista. Microsoft Enterprise Desktop
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A Windows Experience
District – Savannah,GA,USA
Perhaps Windows 7 will actually sell more copies than its predecessor. Windows Vista still undersells its predecessor, Windows XP. I think Microsoft got the
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Windows 7 Beta Outperforms Vista on SSDs – USA
The results show that when it comes to reading, Windows 7 beats Windows Vista in almost every test, but the results do come in close.
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Microsoft MED-V public Beta announced
InfoWorld – San Francisco,CA,USA
As an example, IT shops can continue to run Windows XP-based applications even while they upgrade to Vista. MED-V is Microsoft’s first application released
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SSD tests show Windows 7 beta beating Vista SP1
Ars Technica – Boston,MA,USA
TweakTown has run some tests with the Patriot Warp2 128GB SSD SATA drive for both RAID 0 and single drive setups, comparing Windows 7 beta and Windows Vista
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Time Machine wipes out Boot Camp
InfoWorld – San Francisco,CA,USA
I had an activated copy of Windows Vista Ultimate there, painstakingly outfitted with all of the incrementally-released Vista updates, plus Office and
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Google Blogs Alert for: windows vista

What are People saying About the Windows 7 Beta? – Windows
Without a doubt, the first beta edition of the Windows 7 operation system indicates that Microsoft is on the right track to shore up many of the perceived flaws of Windows Vista… And at its heart, Windows 7’s greatly improved emphasis
The Windows Blog –

Microsoft Watch – Windows 7 – How Does Windows 7 Rate You?
I’m more satisfied running Windows 7 on this laptop than any other with Windows Vista. But there’s this psychological thing, of going from a three-eight to a, ah, two. It’s not a good feeling, but it’s not one likely to last.
Microsoft Watch –

Playing 3D Pinball Game In Vista ~ The Blade by Ron Schenone, MVP
But for those of us who enjoyed playing pinball, there is a way to add the game to Vista. First you will need to copy the 3D Pinball game from a XP machine. The game is located in the folder:. C:Program Files\Windows NT
The Blade by Ron Schenone, MVP –

Windows 7 Beta Outperforms Vista on SSDs informs you about the latest news on a vast range of operating systems, from the well-known mainstream OSes, down to small embedded (but also very interesting technically) ones.
OSNews –