If you head over to Long Zheng’s website, istartedsomething, and read this entry about Windows Seven and then read the comments and look for a very long entry by someone going by MSBOB then I think you just might be seeing info on the real Windows Seven – very cool!

The review is real. Without Aero, however, the reviewer missed some of the good stuff that’s in the builds (mostly some new effects with the taskbar, and thumbnails).

The thing to remember, however, is that this is the end of M1 (i.e. milestone 1), and there are three milestones. There won’t be any major visual refresh until after M2 (i.e., everything will be implemented with the Vista look-and-feel until after M2). Whatever the new visual look of Win7 will be will be kept under wraps for quite a while. This is no different from Luna for XP and Aero for Vista.

Windows 7 is also the product of two teams working together: the WEX (or Windows Experience) team, which has primary responsibility for client releases as well as most user-focused features, and COSD (Core Operating System Division), which has responsibility for the kernel, networking, device support, and so on. COSD operates on a longer runway than WEX, meaning that work from that team will show up later in the cycle than work from the WEX team. Note: SteveSi is only in charge of the Windows team. Jon DeVaan runs COSD.

The above is just a tidbit from MSBOB’s entry – either he is very good at making that stuff up or he knows something – either is a real possibility.  For now I am siding with the fact that he has knowledge about what is happening in Redmond relating to Windows Seven. 

When do we get the first beta release?

After you read the original post make sure you head to this one that continues the extensive discussion.

Neowin.net forum member posts first review of Windows 7 Milestone 1 Build 6.1.6519.1 – istartedsomething