Observed Tech PODCAST Episode 80
Welcome to Episode 80 where we bring you some more Surface Love on this Valentine’s Day edition of the show. We kick off discussing release day for Surface Pro and some of the inventory challenges that were experienced around the country for its debut. We then highlight some cool tweaks for your Surface devices that will give you extra rows of Start Screen tiles on your machines and then we dig into news from the past week. Amongst those stories we mention tips for up and coming app developers, comparing storage space between a 128GB Surface Pro and 128GB MacBook Air and the latest big name app to arrive on Windows Phone – Spotify. There is also word of some significant issues discovered this week with the new iOS 6.12 update that was released to Apple users and a couple of very popular Reddit Ask Me Anything with SpaceX and Bill Gates. We have some updated numbers on Xbox’s progress over the last several months, the retirement of Windows Live Mesh, Home Depot dropping over 10,000 Blackberry devices as they move to the iPhone, some great Windows Phone tips, fixing the jumping laptop cursor bug and updates for your Surface RT including a firmware fix. After that we hit on the remaining items of interest including Dropbox going Enterprise, Microsoft being ready for screens of all sizes according to their CFO and Amazon beating out Apple for the company with the top corporate reputation. As always enjoy the show and thanks for listening!
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