Tag: Consumer

Tuesday - February 18th, 2025

Faith, Tech, and Space (Episode 4)

In this fourth episode of the podcast I begin the faith portion of the show with a discussion about my recent melanoma diagnosis and then share the latest around my formation including our latest classes and progress as the new year begins. After that the tech and space parts of the podcast takeover with news around Windows Insider builds, the latest for Edge Insiders including the stable release of the new Microsoft Edge to the public. There is plenty of other tech news about software, hardware, services plus the latest from space including SpaceX’s successful IFA test. I close talking about the value of your personal integrity.

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Observed Tech PODCAST Episode 293 #OTP

We kick this show off by talking about what was thought to be a privacy violation with Windows 10 and turned out to be inconsistent naming of data which is collected. Next up we touch base on the latest information coming out of Redmond around a potential Microsoft 365 Consumer based subscription and how that might be configured/set-up. On the Windows Insider front, we had a new build this week that continues Microsoft’s efforts to make the UI cleaner and more efficient for end users. Including among the changes is some A/B testing of a split between Search and Cortana on the Taskbar plus a new information bar header in Windows Settings. Of course, the show is full of other information, stories, and other tidbits so be sure to listen all the way until the end.

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