Many of you already know this via social media, but on July 1st, 2024, I retired from Microsoft after joining the company three years ago today. That just happened to also be the 20th Anniversary of Windows XP and so it was cool to share that date with such a great operating system.

Today, I was prompted to finally post this on the site as it is once again Windows XP’s anniversary – its 23rd.

It has been an absolutely blast to call myself a Softie over those 2 years and 8 months that I was at the company. Moving forward, I will always be a Microsoft Alum as well and very proud of the work I did with my team to build Microsoft Q&A into a strong community of contributors.

Working with the professionals on my team and in the larger organization has been both humbling and energizing. Such great talent abounds across this company, and I wish you could see the dedication I have experienced.

I chose to retire from the corporate world to focus more on my ministry as an ordained deacon in the Roman Catholic Church as more opportunities to serve are becoming available. As I said to my manager at the time, work is what I do but ministry is my life.

Yes – I plan to return to tech blogging and podcasting here at which sat idle during my time at Microsoft. I can’t wait to get back to my podcast about Faith, Tech, and Space as well.

Thank you to everyone I worked with, interacted with, and who supported me in this role.

Working at Microsoft was the right place for me to be when I lost my dear Margo during my first year at Microsoft – back in July 2022. I am so glad she got to share the excitement of us getting hired at Microsoft to fulfill a dream of working for the company.

The team and people I worked with during my time there will always be near and dear to me for the way they unconditionally supported me in those weeks and months around her death.

I look forward to the continued journey ahead.