The Windows Insider Program for Windows 10 over the last eight months released 50 builds between PCs and Mobile devices in preparation for the release of the Windows 10 Anniversary Update.

Well, the Xbox One Preview Program, which is currently getting preview builds for the expected Fall Update is seeing 3-4 new builds every week. I am not sure anyone expected them to be pushing updates that quickly.

However, it results in very quick turn around on not only issues but implementing testers feedback.

The latest build released to testers is Build 10.0.14393.1034 (rs1_xbox_rel_1608.160810-1700) and it appeared on consoles starting on 12 August 2016.

In this update there is one new feature being added to the console and it is a setting to control the startup chime that was added a few weeks ago in a past build. When this chime was added there was no means to control that startup sound and apparently user feedback was quick to ask for a way to turn it off.

Well, thanks to that feedback there is now a setting available in this latest preview build in Settings>Power mode & startup>Startup chime to control it.

Startup Chime Setting on Xbox One

Startup Chime Settings

Here is how the settings impact the Startup Chime:

  • On – Plays every time the console is started.
  • Only with power button or voice – Startup chime plays when console is turned on with the power button or voice; no startup sound when console is powered up with the controller. This is also the case when you use the Xbox Media Remote to turn on the console.
  • Off – Startup chime is never played when console is powered on.

If you are interested in joining the Xbox One Preview Program add me on Xbox Live as a friend, WinObs is my gamertag, and then leave a comment here to let me know you want an invite.

Once I ask Microsoft to add you to the preview program it typically takes about 2-3 days to happen and you will get a private message from Microsoft with instructions on how to enroll your console in the program.