Not only was the Xbox 360 the top console for October but these numbers also keeps it in the top spot for the US in 2013 having sold a total of 166K consoles.


With the release of the next generation Xbox One in a little more than a week Microsoft is hoping the Xbox 360 takes shotgun next to Xbox One in sales in future months.

Other stats from NPD for the month of October included:

  • Total money spent on the Xbox 360 platform was $283 million topping all consoles in the US
  • In October Xbox 360 claimed 50% of the top 10 titles including “Batman: Arkham Origins,” “Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag,” “Battlefield 4,” “NBA 2K14,” and “Grand Theft Auto V.”

Read more at NPD Group: Xbox 360 holds the No. 1 US console spot in October