Good Monday Morning everyone! I hope you had a quiet weekend like I did – well if you call cleaning out the garage quiet.

Here are a few items we saw on our feeds this weekend for you to take a look at.

Digital Foundry: the complete Xbox One architects interview ( – This interview with Andrew Goossen a technical fellow at Microsoft who was one of the architects for the Xbox One and Nick Baker who managed the hardware architecture team for Xbox One is one of the most extensive I have seen. This gets into some great detail about the upcoming next generation gaming console from Microsoft.

Steve Ballmer Quotes (JD Meier) – JD is a Program Manager at Microsoft and he recently posted an entire page full of Ballmer quotes on his MSDN blog.  He began with a Top 10 quotes list but then also dived into subject areas like Agility, Big Bold Bets, Business, Consumer and Enterprise, Empowerment, Innovation, Internet, Leadership, Software and The New World of Work. It is an impressive collection that he put together in an effort to gain insights into what Ballmer is really about.

‘Gravity’ pulls in $55.6 million for biggest October opening ever (The Verge) – I must go see this movie! As you can see it had a huge opening and set records and has been talked about on Twitter by all kinds of space fans including several NASA astronauts.  However, there is one person who apparently saw the movie and did not like its lack of 100% realism. Go visit Neil deGrasse Tyson’s Twitter account at @neiltyson and look for his tweets that begin with the text Mysteries of #Gravity from Sunday afternoon. You will quickly see how he picked things apart. I still can not wait to see this movie!

Have an awesome week everyone and don’t forget tomorrow is Patch Tuesday for your Microsoft software.