Welcome to Episode 105!

I was unable to record a show last week due to a trip I had to make and that means there was no show to talk about Microsoft’s announced plans to acquire Nokia and its phone business. However, I did talk about it on the site and have a few items to mention on today’s show because it is a pretty big deal to say the least.

Then this week we heard that Microsoft opted to post the RTM bits of Windows 8.1 on MSDN and TechNet so developers and IT Pros could start testing it for themselves so there is some discussion to be had there about features in the update as well as some testing I have done with different upgrade scenarios. There is also what I believe is an undocumented UI feature as you multi-task with Modern Apps in Windows 8.1 so I posted a video of that and encouraged folks to suggest a name for the feature in the story comments. Those who suggested names were eligible for a 3GB SkyDrive Storage Code giveaway and I announce the winners in the show as well.

Other items I talk about in this episode include:

  • Windows XP is like Y2K all over again
  • Hosted chat about OS Migration with Dell and Microsoft
  • The Nokia Lumia Amber and GDR2 update still missing for some ATT Nokia Lumia phones
  • Microsoft Surface 2 is coming
  • Xbox 360 support life cycle
  • Dell brings Venue name back for Windows 8.1 tablet
  • Outlook 2013 Patch Tuesday update causes issues
  • How the new iPhone copied Windows Phone
  • Fall Windows tablets line up
  • Windows Observer Weekend Catchup and Weekly Wrap Up
  • Xbox Live Rewards gets a makeover
  • Xbox Music extends to the web
  • Office 365 extended to nonprofits
  • Cortana is Microsoft’s virtual assistant technology
  • New Windows and New Intel chips
  • Dell goes private

Until next time enjoy the show and thanks for listening.

Date Produced: 12 September 2013

Length: 45:19

Format: MP3, 128KBPS

Size: 43.8MB

This PODCAST is a proud member of the TechPodcast Network.

All of this episodes show links are available at our WiKi – Show Links: Observed Tech PODCAST Episode 105