One of the most routine issues I have heard when I am working on someone’s computer is a complaint of how slow the Internet browser starts up.

When I get on the computer and open up a browser window I tend to see a lot of toolbars installed and each one of them typically need to access the Internet to update themselves before your browser is usable.


Via Reddit user juniorkj52

OK, so far I have not seen one as bad as the image above but I typically see at least one and as many as 3 or 4.

Just about every search engine offers one of some type and then you have the issue of some of these toolbars being installed when you opt to install a different piece of software.

I asked on Twitter what software out there forces you to opt out (de-select the option) of additional toolbars and even browsers like Chrome being added to the installation process.

Some of the replies I received:

That last one is a good read, although it is a bit outdated as Corrine warned me, but it shows how often this happens and that it is not a new issue.

Two of the biggest examples of this today are Java and Adobe.



Notice the boxes are already marked to allow the piggy backed software to be installed. This is an automatic Opt In.  Most people will quickly click through the dialogs by hitting Next and not even realize the additional software is installed.

Of course that benefits the company who owns the extra software being installed because they end up with a bigger footprint across the web for their product. The company offering the update which has the additional software included benefit because they were either paid to include it or get paid for each instance the software is installed.

I am fairly confident the consumer comes out on the short end of the stick.

These types of piggyback installs should be automatic Opt Out and let you choose to install the additional software or not.

Don’t get me wrong, there may be some value in having a toolbar installed on your system. However, you need to weigh the value of that eating up resources and slowing down the overall browsing experience and the convenience of it being in your browser.

Bottom line is to make an informed decision about installing it and not fall victim to the automatic Opt In process.

Stay safe out there.

Source: How Oracle Manages Java and pushes Ask Toolbar (Soluto Blog)