
Update: Due to a personal issue I will not be able to have our first #ObservedTech Chat as it is scheduled below. My plan is to just start the chat series off on the 16th instead. My apologies for the last minute change and I appreciate your understanding and flexibility.


As 2013 begins for us here at we will be reaching our 18th anniversary of being on the web in some shape or form this August.

It all started with Windows 95 in August of that year and here we are entering 2013 with Windows 8. Technology over that time span has changed significantly. I can remember forking over nearly $100 for 4MB of RAM for the first IBM compatible PC I built. Today we scoff at flash drives with anything less than 4GB of storage on them. In 1995 the JAVA programming language was invented along with the DVD disc, digital cameras were just hitting the market and the USB standard was agreed upon.  Netscape released their first browser and IE came out and the browser wars began and social media wasn’t even a word in anyone’s vocabulary.

To say that technology has changed in the last 17 1/2 years is an understatement.

Beginning on 09 January 2013 WindowsObserver will host an #ObservedTech chat on Twitter to open up the dialog about tech. Anything from general tech questions to tech support and the great thing is the community on Twitter will be your support department. Each weekly chat will be scheduled to begin at 1 PM Eastern Time every Wednesday and will last for an hour. To participate simply use the hashtag #ObservedTech on your tweets so everyone can follow along.

A great tool I have found for use in these hashtag chats is the website which lets you log in via Twitter OAuth and automatically apply the hashtag to your tweets and see all the related tweets for that hashtag.

We are looking forward to this new endeavor and hope to see you in the #ObservedTech chat.