
Last week the Building Windows 8 team posted about the planned updates to all of the Windows 8 built-in apps in preparation for RTM later this month and as of this morning those updates continue to hit the Windows Store.

I was offered updates to the following Microsoft apps this morning:

Last week I also saw an update posted to the SkyDrive App as well.

So far I can not confirm if these apps have been updated yet or not although their entry in the Windows Store, the listing on the web, still appears when you click on it.

These apps currently do not show up on the web listing which leads me to believe they may still be pulled waiting on their RTM updates to be released:

  • Finance (Update showed up Tuesday PM)
  • Sports (According to this app has been updated)
  • Travel (Updated Wednesday PM)
  • Weather  (Updated Wednesday AM and again in the PM)
  • Reader (Update showed up Tuesday PM)

If I missed an update please let me know in the comments below. Thanks.

By the way, anyone else seeing ghost updates in the Windows Store? I am getting an indication that updates are available however, when I click that link it shows no updates available.

See the screen shots below for what I mean:


Windows Store live tile showing two updates available


Windows Store main screen showing two updates available.


Update check showing no updates available.