
As Microsoft continues to develop Windows 8 there is a definite learning curve associated with many of the changes being made in the next version of Microsoft’s flagship OS.  This version of Windows blurs the line between a touch environment and one which uses the mouse and keyboard. This OS will surely be considered an OS that bridges those two means of interaction but that means switching between touch and mouse/keyboard navigation styles will take some time.

One of the biggest areas on the Windows 8 desktop that has caused a stir is the removal of the Start Menu we first saw in Windows 95 nearly 17 years ago.  Most of the functions the Start Menu provided are still there in the Windows 8 Consumer Preview and we all are in the process of learning how to find them now.

In this Tips & Tricks & Things video I show you how to navigate the Windows 8 Consumer Preview desktop with your mouse and keyboard and highlight the hotspots that have been added to the screen to help with this.  I also discuss several keyboard shortcuts that make accessing certain functions easier.