
The monthly Patch Tuesday updates are now available so you can wait for the automatic update process to kick in or go to Windows Update on your machine and start the update manually – that is what I usually do once I know they are live.

You can read all the related bulletins to see what each one is addressing on the various systems and software here.

Do you need all of today’s updates on a DVD to get them to some computers that might not be attached to the Internet? Head over to the download center to grab the February 2012 Security Release ISO Image (3.1GB) and burn that to a DVD with your favorite software. Nothing better than SneakerNet!

According to the IEBlog when you download today’s updates you will be updated to IE 9.0.5

If you are currently running the Windows 8 Developer Preview or Windows Home Server than you also need to update those systems because some of today’s updates apply to them.

Microsoft is hosting a webcast to address customer questions on these bulletins on February 15, 2012, at 11:00 AM Pacific Time (US & Canada). Register now for the February Security Bulletin Webcast. After this date, this webcast is available on-demand.