Battlefield 3 has been quite successful and most people who have played it have given it rave reviews. However this new game is still behind on Xbox Live by Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 (launched in 2009) and most recently Call of Duty: Black Ops. Both Call of Duty game are about to be replaced midnight tonight with Modern Warfare 3!
Black Ops and 2009′s Modern Warfare 2. Electronic Arts threw a lot of words around about Battlefield‘s dominance in the months leading up to the DICE shooter’s release and even though the game has sold 5 million copies and currently leads 2011 in sales, it is now chowing down on some well-deserve humble pie.
A few factors work against Battlefield 3 that has been in keeping with online play issues since it launched, particularly on the Xbox Live world. The multiplayer will probably be ok once DICE gets a few more updates out the door and the server issues are worked out. I don’t think anyone ever really expected Battlefield to completely dominate the Xbox Live rankings, but it’s a little surprising to see it falling behind a pair of one- and two-year-old games.
Then again this could be Call Of Duty royalist maxing game time prior to the most recent release. Regardless what we are seeing is that Battlefield 3 will probably take a happy second in this race of FPS games, but all will be saving the world one controller at a time!