- Text messaging the new drunk driving? What is Microsoft Research saying about this?
Source: MSDN Blogs
- Video: Tethered Flights by Masten Space Systems’ Xaero
Source: OnOrbit – Social Space News and Networking
- Report: Sony PlayStation attack launched from Amazon cloud
Source: TechFlash
- Moon’s Rough ‘Wrinkles’ Reveal Clues to Its Past
Source: OnOrbit – Social Space News and Networking
- Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer jokes about Skype at USC commencement speech
Source: The Seattle Times: Microsoft Pri0
- Windows 7’s infection rates five times lower than Windows XP
Source: Neowin.net
- Nerd Notes: Facebook plays dirty, squids in space and Batman sweats it up
Source: GeekWire
- Microsoft Outlook Hotmail Connector compulsory update, with major bug fixes
Source: LiveSide.net
- 70+ Essential Resources for the Serious Gadget Lover
Source: Mashable!
- From Homeless to Full-Time Job: How Microsoft’s Elevate America Program Is Helping Career Success
Source: Los Angeles
- Seven marketing mistakes most startups make
Source: GeekWire
- About.me User Count Spikes Beyond Host Montenegro
Source: louisgray.com
- Microsoft research reveals Australian families are making more time for interactive entertainment
Source: MSDN Blogs
- Would You Like to Download VM’s ?
Source: MSDN Blogs
- The MSDN Subscriptions Team Are Listening and Coming to Cities Around the World in May
Source: MSDN Blogs
- Solar Plane Makes First International Flight
Source: Mashable!
- iPhone 4, App Store nab Guinness World Records
Source: Crave: The gadget blog
- Friday Poll: Is Sony’s compensation enough?
Source: Crave: The gadget blog
- Want U.S. to keep tech edge? Teach kids science
Source: CNN.com – Technology
- Would You Buy A Twitter Phone?
Source: AllTwitter
- Kinect game line-up to triple this year, E3 demo fest planned
Source: WinRumors
- Microsoft Surface used in Criminal Minds TV show
Source: WinRumors
- @WinObs Tweeted Links for 12 May 2011
Source: WindowsObserver.com
- WP7 Program Manager Answers 10 Questions Regarding Cut And Paste
Source: Windows Phone Thoughts.com
- Mango Tools Rumored for May 24th Release
Source: Windows Phone Thoughts.com
- Helping the Adult Community Learn the PC Through Windows 7
Source: The Windows Blog
- Networked TV Tuners are chock full of win
Source: The Windows Blog
- Play Angry Birds in Your Favorite Browser (Web App, Website, and a Game Hack)
Source: the How-To Geek
- 5 Things to Check When Reading a Terms of Service
Source: The Blog Herald
- Buying Guide: Motherboard upgrade: the complete guide
Source: Techradar – All the latest technology news
- Facebook: ‘No smear campaign on Google’
Source: Techradar – All the latest technology news
- LimeWire to pay $105 million to record labels
Source: Techradar – All the latest technology news
- Gamers ditching PS3s over PSN outage
Source: Techradar – All the latest technology news
- Source: Today’s News
- Source: Today’s News
- The Insider’s Guide to Kindles
Source: Techie Buzz
- Blogger Is Back. Resumes It’s Services, Finally!
Source: Techie Buzz
- Women in Tech: Talking with CEO Dawn Lepore of drugstore.com
Source: TechFlash
- Killer cell phones and ActiveTrak’s software to find stolen laptops
Source: TechFlash
- Kinect Gets Blended
Source: Latest News – TeamXbox
- Instant Messenger Updates for BlackBerry: AIM, GTalk, Yahoo! & WLM
Source: Product Reviews:
- Photography Tutorial – Aperture and F Stops Explained Part 1
Source: Photography, Digital Camera & Lightroom Tips — FroKnowsPhoto
- Brink disappears from UK Steam store. Customers unable to activate retail copies
Source: PC Gamer » PC Gamer – The global authority on PC games
- Flooding From Mississippi River Levee Breach
Source: OnOrbit – Social Space News and Networking
- River deltas and Lake Ayakum in Tibet As Seen From Orbit
Source: OnOrbit – Social Space News and Networking
- Video: Cockpit screen view: NASTAR SpaceShip Two Centrifuge Simulation of 100% Acceleration Profile
Source: OnOrbit – Social Space News and Networking
- Speech Technology Moves From Recognition to Understanding
Source: Next at Microsoft
- Bill Buxton – A ‘Renaissance’ Approach to Product Design
Source: Next at Microsoft
- Blogger still down; 30 hours of posts lost
Source: Neowin.net
- Google co-founder likens managing Windows to torture
Source: Neowin.net