
In just 4 1/2 months since the Windows Phone 7 Marketplace opened up for submissions the number of available applications has grown to over 8,000 according to an enthusiast Marketplace tracking site.

Along with the steady increase in applications, the number of approved developers for the mobile platform continues its  climb as well and as of today there are nearly 3,500 developers working on Windows Phone 7 applications.

Some of the current stats for the Marketplace according to

  • 70% of apps are paid; 30% are free.
  • Most popular price point is .99 cents, followed by Free and then $1.99.
  • Biggest month of added apps so far has been December 2010 followed by October 2010 and January 2011.
  • Most popular day for app submissions is Thursday followed by Wednesday, Tuesday and Thursday.
  • Least popular day for app submissions is Sunday followed by Monday.
  • 23% of apps are games or game related followed by Tools (14%), Entertainment (12%) and Books and Reference (6%).
  • Smallest percentage of apps are in the Music & Video, Navigation and Business categories.  All of them are at less than 2%.

Developers are not only creating new apps but they are also actively maintaining and updating their apps each day to the tune of an average of 126 updated apps each day.

The Windows Phone 7 Marketplace is continuing to build momentum and is seeing more developers joining the platform and since apps will be a key reason this handset succeeds this is good to see.