
Very quietly the Kindle App for Windows Phone 7 has gone live in the Windows Phone 7 Marketplace.

The Kindle app is optimized for the Windows Phone, giving users the ability to read Kindle books on a beautiful, easy-to-use interface. You’ll have access to over 750,000* books in the Kindle Store, including best sellers and new releases. Amazon Whispersync automatically syncs your last page read, bookmarks, notes, and highlights across devices (including Kindle), so you can pick up where you left off on another device.

The app looks awesome in the Metro UI and consists of the following pages:

  • Home – your currently downloaded books will be listed here as well as a link to your archived items.  Tapping to your archived items will take you to the archive page so you can download an archived item to your phone.
  • Kindle Store – quick and easy access to make purchases.  Listed you will see books that are recommended for you based on your current list of books, a quick link to the free classics and a link to the Kindle Store.  These pages appear to be rendered in the browser.
  • Menu – Here you can access these sub pages:
    • Info – links to learn about the Kindle; Terms of Use and Legal Notices
    • Settings – Option to deregister the phone from the account you signed in with
    • Support – Help; feedback and support links

Tapping on a book cover opens your book to the furthest point you have read.  I had started the book I first opened on my wife’s Kindle when it was registered to my Amazon account and it remembered where I had stopped reading before we shifted the registration to her Amazon account.

While reading if you quickly tap on a page you will get options to set the font size, color scheme (white, sepia and black are your choices) and be able to see your progress in the book.

I selected the sepia color scheme and middle font size and the book pages were very easy to read.  A simple swipe of your finger moves you forward one page or backwards depending on your direction.

I have to say nicely done Amazon.  It is nice to see a major player move to get themselves on to Windows Phone 7 like this.  I wish more big time companies would follow suit.

Update 5:30 AM EST: Here is a great video demo of the app from Matthew Miller of ZDNet: