
According to the website, which tracks the Windows Phone 7 Marketplace, there are now more than 5,000 apps available for Microsoft’s Windows Phone 7 handsets.

The marketplace has reached this level in about 3 months and the last 1,000 apps were added over the last 12 days.

wp7applisttotalappsinmarketplace reports 28% of the apps are listed for free with the vast majority of the paid apps costing .99 cents each.  The overall average cost of the paid apps is $1.61 each and 112 apps are updated each day on average.

The biggest app category is games at 22% of the marketplace followed by tools at 15% and entertainment apps at 10%.

I predict the marketplace will double in much less time than it took to get the first 5,000 apps.  What do you think?

WP7 App List Tracker