
Once again the annual tracking of Santa Claus, his sleigh and eight tiny reindeer has started thanks to the continued collaboration of Google and the North American Aerospace Defense Command.

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So how did this all come about?

Well according to NORAD’s Track Santa Page:

On Dec. 24, 1955, a call was made to the Continental Air Defense Command (CONAD) Operations Center in Colorado Springs, Colo. However, this call was not from the president or a general. It was from a girl in Colorado Springs who was following the directions in an advertisement printed in the local paper – she wanted to know the whereabouts of Santa Claus.

The ad said “Hey, Kiddies! Call me direct and be sure and dial the correct number.” However, the number was printed incorrectly in the advertisement and rang into the CONAD operations center.

On duty that night was Colonel Harry Shoup, who has come to be known as the “Santa Colonel.”
Colonel Shoup received numerous calls that night and rather than hanging up, he had his operators find the location of Santa Claus and reported it to every child who phoned in that night.

Thus began a tradition carried on by the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) when it was formed in 1958. Today, through satellite systems, high-powered radars and jet fighters, NORAD tracks Santa Claus as he makes his Yuletide journey around the world.

Today technology has kept up with tracking Santa and now you can follow his progress through Twitter, Facebook, Google Earth, email and the web.

Let me close by adding my own personal wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of you out there.  Thanks for your continued visits to