If you’re a regular on the Facebook website you know all about the chat feature that is available in the lower right corner of your browser screen.
This chat can be very handy to have a real time discussion with a friend instead of leaving them wall posts and comments.
Well if you are one of the remaining die hard IE6 users and expect to use this feature in the future then you are very close to needing to either upgrade your browser or stop using the Facebook chat.
According to a post this week on the Facebook blog they need to make this move to give you better features in Facebook chat:
In the coming weeks, we will be making important improvements in the way connections are established and messages are sent, so that Chat will be much more stable for you and your friends.
The biggest improvements come from changes that aren’t supported on older web browsers. After evaluating the alternatives, we’ve decided to make rapid improvements and provide the best Chat experience possible, which means we will no longer support Internet Explorer 6 browsers.
To give people time to update their browsers, we plan to make this change on Sept. 15. If you’re using Internet Explorer 6, you can learn more about downloading a newer version here.
I think this trend will help more people make the move from IE6 to a more recent browser. That in turn will help them be more secure and protected when they are online. Not a bad by-product if you ask me.