- Follow along and watch video here – http://clkon.us/caqP4Q for the Atlas V launch which occurs at 7:07 AM EDT #
- Microsoft Research’s “Technology Heirlooms” are cool time capsules for the digital age – http://clkon.us/bPM5ZH #
- Here is my 37 second HD video of the Atlas V launch from my driveway – http://youtu.be/m22iQC2eVm4 Watch the HD version – easier to see. #
- Photo: Entering Space – http://clkon.us/d2Lqzg #
- Why do people have to be vulgar in blog posts or on Twitter. There are more effective ways to communicate your message! #
- Here is my memory from the STS-132 Tweetup – http://twitpic.com/1p8sgs Hangs on my home office wall. #
- Watching the Atlas V Launch – cool perspective – http://clkon.us/dypdVr #
- OK – heading outside to troubleshoot the pool pump – keeps shorting the GFI circuit. #
- Great shots from SpaceFlightNow of this mornings launch – http://clkon.us/949vfD #
- NASA Will Host Shuttle Launch Tweetup for STS-133 http://clkon.us/bqDtfE #
- WinObs’ Xbox – Aug 14 2010: Pick it, pack it fire it up, come along, lets get WinObs’ gaming on! Gamer score is … http://clkon.us/auub1L #
- I have opted for integrated forums at WindowsObserver.com – http://clkon.us/9D1sUC #
- South Africa Windows 7 Theme http://clkon.us/duA5qg #
- How to search un-indexed libraries and network location files from Start Menu search box – http://clkon.us/bS71wC #
- Just set up Guest Posting at our new forums – http://clkon.us/9D1sUC #