Remember when the only way to get into Google Voice was to get an invite from someone who already had an account?
Well those 15 months are now over and Google has opened the lines, no pun intended – well okay – pun intended, so that everyone can get their own Google Voice number and put it to immediate use.
There is however one caveat still about Google Voice. It is only available to users located in the United States.
A little over a year ago, we released an early preview of Google Voice, our web-based platform for managing your communications. We introduced one number to ring all your phones, voicemail that works like email, free calls and text messages to the U.S. and Canada, low-priced international calls and more—the only catch was you had to request and receive an invite to try it out. Today, after lots of testing and tweaking, we’re excited to open up Google Voice to the public, no invitation required.
You just need a Google Account to sign up for the service. Once your signed up feel free to give me a call to test things out and leave a voice mail.
The phone number is 9319-WinObs (946627)