So we started this week out with Project Natal being revealed under a new name – Kinect for Xbox 360. There was a massive press conference this past Monday to show off the hands free controller as well as a lot of the games that will be available for launch on 04 November 2010.
The one thing we did not hear on an official basis was how much Kinect would cost.
Then I reported how GameStop was showing a pre-order page that had the Kinect at $149.99. Three days later, as I wrote about yesterday, places the Kinect on pre-order for the same price.
I say where there is smoke there is fire however, Microsoft still has not said or published anything public to confirm nor deny the pricing on Kinect for Xbox 360.
That is until yesterday afternoon when this tweet hit the stream:
No Kinect price announced yet, retail price estimates are purely speculative, final price & pack-in details are not yet determined. about 22 hours ago
(Aaron Greenberg) aarongreenberg
Now I am not sure how official you want to label a tweet but according to Aaron’s bio on Twitter he is an Xbox employee. On top of that @stepto also re-tweeted Aaron’s comment and he is Director of Policy and Enforcement for Xbox Live.
So now we have two employee’s basically verifying that pricing is not confirmed at this point. I think I can accept that as official.
With all of that being said I have a prediction on the price for Kinect for Xbox 360. I think it will be somewhere between $100 and $130 for purchase. I also expect to see some bundles with launch day games offered.
So, what do you think of all this pricing stuff?